Adjusting a Schedule

Adjusting a schedule in Rosemark is a simple process. To start go to the clients Schedule Manager. Here you will see the active schedule, if we want to make a change we can click the Change Schedule button.

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The system will ask you to pick the date this change begins. Select the date and click Ok. 

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Once you have entered the day the schedule is changing you will see a new line appear on the schedule manager. Rosemark will have put an end date on the old schedule and started a new one with the same time and dates as the previous schedule. On the new schedule you can change the start or end time, as well as the days of the week the client receives services. Once you have made the needed changes click the Apply button.

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If Rosemark can change the schedule without impacting any currently assigned shifts the change will be applied and any caregivers previously assigned to the shift will be carried over to the updated times. However, if there is a change that impacts an assigned shift Rosermark will will alert you to this change. Two new windows will appear. The first and smaller of the two windows will tell you that Rosemark had an problem with the requested change. The second and larger window will display the shifts that the change impacted. In the example below the change to the schedule was to no longer provide care on Tuesday and Thursday. 

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Because the schedule was forwarded into June this means to make this change Rosemark would need to unassign shifts. We can still make this change, but we need to account for those previously assigned shifts. To do so click Ok on the small window. You can see that this message is telling us how far into the future this change will be applied.

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Once we have clicked Okay on the first message we can then take a look at the impacted shifts. Rosemark pulls up every shift the change would affect. In this case we are only seeing Tuesday and Thursday shifts because those shifts are being removed. 

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To complete this schedule adjustment we need to unassign the shifts. Once you have highlighted one shift, if you click Ctrl + A, this will select all of the shifts in the window. You will know you did it correctly when all of the shifts have a light blue highlight. 

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Once all of the shifts are selected go to the File menu and select Unassign Selected Shifts. 

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You'll know the shifts are unassigned because the status should update in real time in the window.

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Now that there are no assignment conflicts you can go back to the schedule manger and click apply to complete the schedule adjustment. 

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Do keep in mind you will need to assign any shifts that do not have a caregiver and Forward the shifts out as needed.