Offline Mode
Offline mode in the Rosemark Caregiver App (RCA) allows caregivers to log their clock in and clock outs even when there is not a reliable internet connection. If you are interested in enabling this feature reach out to the Customer Success team. There are two small workflow changes when using offline mode.
The first change is to the login process. Instead of logging in normally caregivers will want to login using the Offline Mode option. Caregivers will sign in using Offline mode. The app will then look identical to the normal process with the exception that they will only be able to see shifts in the current calendar week.
The second change is that the caregivers will need to login in the app normally for the offline mode data to be sent to your database. To confirm the data was uploaded caregivers can go to the Message tab. From there they can view their offline EVV events and confirm what has been sent to the agency. Please remember, until the caregiver logs back into the application this data will remained stored on their phone and will not be visible to agency staff in the Rosemark system until they login normally again.