Installing and Updating Rosemark

To access the Rosemark Installation or Update Files, click here: Customer Center.

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Click on Install Rosemark.  

**Note: for security purposes, some browsers don't give you the option to run files directly from the browser: you can only Save it. Then you should be able to open it from the browser's Downloads list (accessing your downloads will vary depending on the browser, but often the hotkey combination of the Control 'Ctrl' key and the 'J' key held at the same time will bring up the download list). If you don't see the InstallSchedulingSystem.exe file in your browsers Downloads list, you will have to navigate to the location on your computer where downloaded files are saved (usually the Downloads folder within your My Documents folder).**


Once the file has been downloaded and the installation has begun, the steps proceed as described below.

1."Welcome"; click on Next.

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2. "Directory"; accept the default of C:\Program Files\Shoshana or enter another directory for installing the files. Click on Next. If necessary, confirm creation of the directory by clicking on Yes.

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3. "Confirmation"; click on Start.

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4. "End";  leave "Start the Rosemark Scheduling System" checked and click on Next.

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Possible Installation Issues

Windows Defender

1. Once you've downloaded the Install (or Update) file,  Microsoft Defender SmartScreen may caution you against installing. Select "More info" option.

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2. You can then select the "Run anyway" button, which will allow you to continue with installation.

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Firewall and Anti-Virus


Internet Connectivity