Custom Coordinates
In cases where Rosemark is unable to find an address, or situations where a street address does not reflect the actual location of a client, you have the option to manually enter custom coordinates via latitude and longitude values. This can happen for several reasons but most commonly occurs when a client lives in:
- an apartment complex, trailer park, or community home
- a home in a rural area or home at the end of a long driveway
- a newly built home
In this example we’ll review a client that is living in an apartment complex.
Our client, Ian Malcom, lives in the Roundtree Apartment complex. Using the map feature in Rosemark will take you to the locatiion in Google Maps.
In Google Maps the Red waypoint marker indicates where Google believes the address is located, this is the location that Rosemark uses to determine client location. However, in this example the client lives in the corner apartment where the arrow is pointing and not in the center of the building.
If you move the mouse over that point and then right click Google Maps will bring the latitude and longitude coordinates up for us.
Mouse over the GPS coordinates and click the left mouse button to copy the coordinates to your clipboard.
To make the next step easier I advise that you paste the coordinates into a word or notepad document.
Now that you have the custom coordinates you can enter these into Rosemark by clicking the red waypoint icon on the client’s Info tab.
Clicking on this will open up the coordinates window. Check the ‘Use Custom Coordinates’ box, this will allow you to enter the custom coordinates we have from Google Maps.
You’ll notice that once you enter the customer coordinates the system calculates the distance between the new location and the previous location. In this example it is almost 200 feet.
Finally, you can determine if a client has custom coordinates in Rosemark by the color of the waypoint icon. Any clients that have custom coordinates will be green instead of the usual red. You’ll want to keep this in mind if the client moves to a new home as you’ll need to clear out the custom coordinates for the system to determine the correct GPS coordinates after the move.