Medicaid by State
Rosemark has a variety of Medicaid integrations. These can cover a wide array of file types.For more details about your state you can reach out to the customer care team or review the state specific pages.
Sandata Integration - An API integration that directly connects Rosemark to Sandata.Sandata does not have a direct billing connection to state Medicaid.
HHAeXchange - HHAeXchange has different integration types. Some states have a direct API connection similar to Sandata and Tellus / Netsmart. Other states use a CSV (Excel) file upload. If you are not sure what your state uses reach out to the Customer Care team for support.
Tellus / Netsmart - An API integration that directly connects Rosemark to Tellus / Netsmart.Tellus / Netsmart have does have a direct billing connection for some states (notably GA).
837p / Batch Billing - Batching billing is available for certain Medicaid states. Reach out to the customer care team to determine if your state is eligible.
VA / 837p - VA 837p files can be generated in Rosemark and are a text file that can be uploaded to the appropriate portal.