Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a system designed to ensure caregivers are at the correct location to provide services for clients. For many states EVV is now required for any Medicaid or VA services being provided and it is increasingly being used in the private sector for increased accountability. There are two primary forms of EVV, the telephony system and the mobile app. Under the telephony system caregivers call a designated phone number to clock in and out while using the Mobile App caregivers login and clock in and out on their mobile phone. These systems are compatible with one another so if a caregiver clocks in using the RCA they can still clock out using the Telephony number.

Rosemark Caregiver App (RCA)

Most agencies use the mobile application. For some this is a requirement for Medicaid or VA services but most agencies elect to use the RCA as it has a number of additional features not available via Telephony. Some of these features include:


Many agencies still have a Telephony line as a backup EVV system. Caregivers will call into the system from the clients landline phone, enter their caregiver number, the client number they are working for, and if applicable any task information that was completed on their shift. Some agencies continue to use the Telephony system because its easier for their staff to understand. For many caregivers having a familiar tool offsets the issues with getting them up and running on new technology.