Manual EVV
A Manual EVV event may be needed on specific service types, most often those associated with Medicaid. The most common reason a manual EVV event is needed is due to a missing clock in or out but there are a wide variety of reasons it could be used.These EVV events are tracked by the relevant state Medicaid offices so should be used only when needed. Manual EVV is not currently available for private pay services.If you have questions about Manual EVV or state specific manual EVV questions please reach out to the Customer Success team.
To create a manual EVV event open the Shift window for the date that needs the Manual EVV event.
On the shift window click the EVV event (either the clock in or clock out) that needs a manual EVV event added. When there is no EVV event to link Rosemark will prompt if you would like to add a manual EVV event. Click Yes.
In the Manual EVV event window enter the time the caregiver clocked in or out, and then select a reason code. Reason codes are state specific so the reason codes you see may be different than the image below. When choosing a reason code choose the code that best reflects why a manual EVV event is being used.
The notes field is mostly optional but there are some state specific reasons codes that may require you to enter a comment. Selecting Other will often require you to enter a comment. Even when not requiered we recommend entering a comment as this is recommended by most state Medicaid offices. Manual EVV events require the Attestation check box is checked, this tells the state that you have supporting documentation that supports the caregiver was at the correct location at the time you entered for the manual EVV event.
Once completed you will see a linked EVV event in the Shift window. Reviewing the EVV event will show the source as a Manual EVV event.