Lead Scoring

Lead Scoring

Lead Scoring allows you to determine which leads are the most valuable to you and your sales and marketing team by giving them “scores” based on their interactions with you and the information stored in your account about them.

Scoring is done in two categories: activities and demographics. Activity scores are based on actions your contacts are taking, while demographic scores are based on static contact data. As your contacts accumulate scoring values, you can setup automation to help you react when those values change/increase.

HELPFUL HINT: It is important to differentiate between leads and people in your company who may be actively visiting your website or reading emails you sent. This is done by assigning  negative demographic lead scores to employees in your company. Example: if Company is "your company name" the contact gets a negative score, this is also useful when setting up automation so workflows aren't triggered for employees or members of your own team.

Adding Lead Scoring

Exercise 5D: Lead Scoring

  1. Open up your GreenRope account

  2. Make sure you are in the group you created in the Implementation course (Exercise 4A)

  3. Click on the "Guide Me" button

  4. Complete the “Lead Scoring” interactive exercise

For reference, here are the steps to add lead scoring:

  1. Open up your GreenRope account

  2. In the group drop-down list, select the group your email template is saved in

  3. Hover over Automation

  4. Select Lead Scoring

  5. Enter the value of each action

  6. Hover over the action button

  7. Save Changes

Activities and Opportunities

The activities listed here will all contribute to scoring a contact for the actions they are taking when they interact with you. One important field is the Activity Half-Life field, which determines how rapidly a contact's activity score diminishes over time, we suggest 2-3x average sales life cycle be used for the Activity Half-Life.

Contact Fields (Demographics)

These scoring rules are based on data you enter for your contacts. Each rule is taken separately, and can be attributed to either static data or your custom user-defined data fields. Examples of demographic fields are industry, job title, department of the company the contact works in, company size, or location.

Remember you can use positive and negative values here, which may come in handy if you want to reduce scores for employees or people who you know will never be leads.


You can set up automation around your contacts taking action (HOT) or not taking action (COLD) here.

    Hot Automation Rules

For each Hot Rule, you will set up a minimum demographic score and a minimum activity score that is required to be accumulated in a 24 hour period. Any contact that exceeds that minimum threshold will activate the workflow you define.

    Cold Automation Rules

If a contact does not reach this minimum threshold of points total during the time span allotted, it will activate this workflow.                         NOTE: Be careful with Cold Automation! Any contacts who haven't generated any points in this group will activate a workflow, which may result in a lot of workflows being created!

User Field Assignment

Automatically assign demographic and activity lead scores to contacts in groups. Every 24 hours, we will scan your database and calculate lead scores for your contacts and put those scores in the user fields you define in the User Field Assignment area.   

CRM Activity Quotas and Leaderboard

Set up quotas for your team for them to see how they are performing against each other. The charts on this page show how many activity points are generated by members of your team who have Contacts shared access rights.


Once you assign a quota, you'll be able to see how they are performing relative to that quota.