Quick Grip for Shoulder Flexion Control Exercise

Below is a link to order your bar clamp to control your shoulder and eliminate your pain. The exercises are used in situations where you have difficulties controlling and positioning your arm at the area where impingement and pain occur. 


QUICK-GRIP One-handed bar clamp 12" for your shoulder exercise

Shoulder Flexion Exercise - Video (Please note: I am holding a pen up vs. using a quick grip clamp. Either works but using a stationary object is ideal)

Exercise: Shoulder flexion to 90 degrees keeping your shoulder blade rotating upwardly.

Position: Place the clamp on the end of a doorway at a height 1/4"-1" above resting shoulder height.

Movement: Slowly raise your shoulder blade into the end of the clamp. You can attach a stress ball at the end for comfort.  Next, slowly raise your arm to shoulder height and slowly back down. At the end of each repetition, slowly lower your shoulder blade. 

Duration: Repeat the movement for 1-2 minutes up to 3-4 times per day.

Advanced Progression: Practice reaching above shoulder height for a plate or cup in your cupboard without using the bar clamp. 

At first, you may have to consciously rotate your shoulder blade up before reaching your arm above shoulder height.

Over time, it will become natural and no longer painful. 


QUICK-GRIP One-handed bar clamp 12" for your shoulder exercise



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