Drip Campaigns

Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns are a sequence of scheduled emails triggered when a contact joins the group the drip campaign is created in. Drip campaigns are also triggered for contacts currently in the group when the drip campaign is created. All drip campaigns are designed to be sent at a particular time of day, as determined by the time zone in your Account Settings.

How can this impact your business?

Drip campaigns can be used in a variety of ways to help your business grow and thrive. A few of my favorites:

Welcome Campaigns

Purchase Gratitude Campaigns

Sales Campaigns

Lead Nurturing

Cold Series


There are four types of drip campaign messages differentiated by the timing of when they are sent:

     1. Immediate - the message will be sent to all contacts currently in the group as soon as you save the drip campaign and also immediately send to all contacts added to the group moving forward.

     2. Delay - this is the number of days since the contact was added to the group.  Particularly useful for marketing automation and multi-step sales and education campaigns, there are many ways to manually or automatically add someone to a group, which would then activate the emails to be sent.

     3. Anniversary - anniversary drip campaign emails are designed for sending a message the same date, year after year.  This is especially useful for holidays and to celebrate recurring events. Anniversary drip messages are sent to all members of a group, although your filters still apply if you want to target the message to a subset of all of the group contacts.

     4. Fixed Date - this is a fixed date where everyone in a group would be sent a particular message (note that any filters you set up would still apply).  This can be useful for event reminders (although remember our event management platform does have automatic event reminders built in). Fixed date drip campaign emails can also be used if you want to be certain everyone in a group receives an email.  


Creating a Drip Campaign

Exercise 5A: Creating a Drip Campaign

Before you begin this interactive exercise, open up the email template you created via Exercise 3B

  1. Open up your GreenRope account

  2. Click on the "Guide Me" button

  3. Complete the “Creating a Drip Campaign” interactive exercise


For reference, here are the steps to create a drip campaign

  1. Open up your GreenRope account

  2. In the group drop-down list, select the group your email template is saved in

  3. Hover over Automation

  4. Select Drip Campaigns

  5. Name your new drip campaign

  6. Use the filter options to determine who your email is sent to

  7. Decide when you would like your broadcast sent

  8. Choose which email to send

  9. Select a workflow trigger

  10. Use the “add another email to your drip campaign” link to add more broadcasts to your campaign

    • Repeat steps 7-9

  11. Click Save