Creating a Care Plan

Care Plans in Rosemark are tied to a particular service type. Clients that have multiple service types may have multiple care plans

To create a care plan go to the client's Summary tab and select the Care Plans option.



The Care Plan window will open. When creating a new care plan click the Add New button in the top right. 



The current and historical care plans can be viewed by selecting the date the care plan went into effect. For new clients this will be the day that the Add New button was clicked. If you need a care plan backdated prior to the date it was added to Rosemark please reach out to the Customer Success team who will be happy to assist you. 



By default Rosemark only shows active care plan information. This means when setting up a care plan for the first time the Show Included Tasks needs to be unchecked. Once unchecked this will allow you to see your global task configuration list and allow you to add or remove tasks as needed. 

CCP - 4.PNG  CCP - 5.PNG


To add or remove tasks from a care plan simply check or un-check the task as needed. Checking or un-checking a folder will apply the changes to all tasks within a folder. Some agencies use the optional level of care and frequency fields to provide additional context to their caregivers.



If the care plan needs changes returning to this screen and checking and un-checking the boxes will adjust the care plan. Rosemark will track the changes made to the care plan and keep a historical record.