Spec - Store
Table Of Contents
- Get Store Item Categories
- Add Store Item Categories
- Edit Store Item Categories
- Get Store Items
- Add Store Items
- Edit Store Items
- Add Store Shopping Cart
- Add Store Purchase
Get Store Item Categories
This function allows the caller to retrieve Store Item Categories from the database. Search parameters should be specified inside the tag. Store Item Categories can be retrieved by category ID, category name,or group (ID or Name). Leaving all search criteria blank would return all of the Store Item Categories in the account.
Specify search criteria within the GetStoreItemCategoriesRequest tag. Search criteria can be category_id, category_name, group_id (return all item categories associated with a group), group_name. If no search criteria, return all Store Item Categories in the account.
Success or failure. For each Store Item Category found: Category_id, Category_name, Group_id, Group_name.
Example Request 1
Example Request 2
<GetStoreItemCategoriesRequest category_id="4"></GetStoreItemCategoriesRequest>
Example Request 3
<GetStoreItemCategoriesRequest group_name="my_group"></GetStoreItemCategoriesRequest>
Successful Response
<Category_name>My Category 4</Category_name>
<Group_name>Test Group</Group_name>
<Category_name>My Category 5</Category_name>
<Group_name>Another Test Group</Group_name>
Add Store Item Categories
This function allows the caller to add one or more Store Item Categories.
- request_id (optional)
- Category_name (required)
- Group_id (required)
For each Store Item Category, success or failure.
Example Request
<StoreItemCategory request_id="a1b2c3">
<Category_name>My Item Category 1</Category_name>
<StoreItemCategory request_id="d4e5f6">
<Category_name>My Item Category 2</Category_name>
Successful Response
<StoreItemCategory request_id="a1b2c3">
<StoreItemCategory request_id="d4e5f6">
Edit Store Item Categories
This function allows the caller to edit one or more Store Item Categories.
Search criteria for each Store Item Category to edit. Search criteria can be:
- category_id
- category_name
- group_id (return all item categories associated with a group)
- group_name
- request_id (optional)
A single Store Item Category to edit must be returned by each set of search criteria.
For each Store Item Category to edit:
- Category_name
- Group_id
For each Store Item Category, success or failure.
Example Request
<StoreItemCategory category_id="9" request_id="a1b2c3">
<Category_name>My New Item Category 3</Category_name>
<StoreItemCategory category_name="My Item Category 2" request_id="d4e5f6">
<Category_name>My Item New Category 4</Category_name>
Successful Response
<StoreItemCategory request_id="a1b2c3">
<StoreItemCategory request_id="d4e5f6">
Get Store Items
This function allows the caller to retrieve Store Items from the database. Search parameters should be specified inside the tag. Store Items can be retrieved by item ID, item name, category ID, category name, or group (ID or Name). Leaving all search criteria blank would return all of the Store Items in the account.
Specify search criteria within the GetStoreItemsRequest tag. Search criteria can be item_id, item_name, category_id, category_name, group_id (return all store items assoicated with a group), group_name. If no search criteria, return all Store Items in the account.
Success or failure. For each Store Item found: Item_id, Item_name, Category_id, Category_name, Group_id, Group_name, Featured_item (Y or N), Item_image_url, Item_description, Item_custom_fieldname1, Item_custom_fieldoptions1, Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts1, Item_custom_inventories1, Item_custom_fieldname2, Item_custom_fieldoptions2, Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts2, Item_custom_fieldname3, Item_custom_fieldoptions3, Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts3, Shipping_options, Shipping_costs, Purchase_conversion_script, Download_url, Num_downloads, Item_price, Item_cost, Current_inventory, Annual_recurring_charge, Monthly_recurring_charge.
Example Request 1
Example Request 2
<GetStoreItemsRequest item_id="212"></GetStoreItemsRequest>
Example Request 3
<GetStoreItemsRequest group_name="my_group"></GetStoreItemsRequest>
Successful Response
<Item_name>Test Item 1</Item_name>
<Category_name>My Category 14</Category_name>
<Group_name>Test Group 27</Group_name>
<Item_description>This is a description of this item.</Item_description>
<Item_name>Test Item 2</Item_name>
<Category_name>My Category 15</Category_name>
<Group_name>Test Group 28</Group_name>
<Item_description>This is a description of another item.</Item_description>
Add Store Items
This function allows the caller to add one or more Store Items.
- request_id (optional)
- Item_name (required)
- Category_id
- Group_id (required)
- Featured_item (Y or N)
- Item_image_url
- Item_description
- Item_custom_fieldname1
- Item_custom_fieldoptions1
- Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts1
- Item_custom_inventories1
- Item_custom_fieldname2
- Item_custom_fieldoptions2
- Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts2
- Item_custom_fieldname3
- Item_custom_fieldoptions3
- Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts3
- Shipping_options
- Shipping_costs
- Purchase_conversion_script
- Download_url
- Num_downloads
- Item_price
- Item_cost
- Current_inventory
- Annual_recurring_charge (Y or N)
- Monthly_recurring_charge (Y or N)
For each Store Item, success or failure, Item_id.
Example Request
<StoreItem request_id="a1b2c3">
<Item_name>Test Item 1</Item_name>
<Item_description>Test Item 1 Description</Item_description>
<StoreItem request_id="d4e5f6">
<Item_name>Test Item 1</Item_name>
<Item_description>Test Item 1 Description</Item_description>
Successful Response
<StoreItem request_id="a1b2c3">
<StoreItem request_id="d4e5f6">
Edit Store Items
This function allows the caller to edit one or more Store Items.
Search criteria for each Store Item to edit. Search criteria can be:
- item_id
- item_name
- category_id
- category_name
- group_id
- group_name
- request_id (optional)
A single Store Item to edit must be returned by each set of search criteria.
For each Store Item to edit, the following parameters may be changed:
- Item_name
- Category_id
- Group_id
- Featured_item (Y or N)
- Item_image_url
- Item_description
- Item_custom_fieldname1
- Item_custom_fieldoptions1
- Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts1
- Item_custom_inventories1
- Item_custom_fieldname2
- Item_custom_fieldoptions2
- Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts2
- Item_custom_fieldname3
- Item_custom_fieldoptions3
- Item_custom_fieldoptionscosts3
- Shipping_options
- Shipping_costs
- Purchase_conversion_script
- Download_url
- Num_downloads
- Item_price
- Item_cost
- Current_inventory
- Annual_recurring_charge (Y or N)
- Monthly_recurring_charge (Y or N)
For each Store Item, success or failure, along with the Item ID.
Example Request
<StoreItem item_id="39" request_id="a1b2c3">
<Item_name>Test New Item 10</Item_name>
<Item_description>Test New Item 10 Description</Item_description>
<StoreItem item_name="My Item 2" request_id="d4e5f6">
<Item_name>Test New Item 22</Item_name>
<Item_description>Test New Item 22 Description</Item_description>
Successful Response
<StoreItem request_id="a1b2c3">
<StoreItem request_id="d4e5f6">
Add Store Shopping Cart
This function allows the caller to a shopping cart, consisting of one or more items..
Group_id (required), CreationDate. For each item in cart, Item_id, Custom_option1, Custom_option2, Custom_option3, Shipping_option, Quantity, SubtotalAmount, Times_downloaded.
Success or failure, Cart_id.
Example Request
<CreationDate>2014-01-23 12:23:34</CreationDate>
Successful Response
Add Store Purchase
This function allows the caller to mark a shopping cart as purchased, with an associated transaction ID..
Cart_id (required), Group_id, PurchaserEmail, PurchaserIP, TransactionDate (required), TransactionAmount (required), Transaction_id (required).
Success or failure.
Example Request
<CreationDate>2014-01-23 12:23:34</CreationDate>
Successful Response