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COVID-19 Update

Dear Bill,

CCHI Commissioners and one of our advisors discussed today (in a webinar format) the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare interpreters individually and for the profession as a whole.

The panelists were Wilma Alvarado-Little, M.A., M.S.W. (NY), Margarita Bekker, CoreCHI™ (CA), Mateo Rutherford, M.A., CHI™-Spanish (CA), Idolly Oliva, M.B.A. (MN), and CCHI’s executive director Natalya Mytareva, M.A., CoreCHI™ (OH), moderated the conversation. They discussed the issues of infection control and ethical dilemmas during the pandemic, challenges of switching to the remote modality from the interpreter’s and manager’s perspectives, implications of canceled CE events, interpreter self-care, and CCHI’s testing procedures.

If you missed the live webinar, you may watch the recording at

If you need a CE certificate, then watch the recording (free of charge) from our online training module at It is accredited by CEAP/CCHI for 1.5 CE hours. To enroll in this course, click on the course name and create an account (if you already have one on this site, just login). Then, click on the course name again and enter the code 2020COVID-19.

Also, please visit our COVID-19 Resources page at

Thank you for your work, understanding and support.




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