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Chamber Events Calendar
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
2021 Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Outlooks Hosted by the SDNEDC
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Financial Literacy Workshop Series: How to Easily Read Financial Statements and Find Yourself $100,000 in Profits
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Food Scraps Recycling Webinar
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Financial Literacy Workshop Series: How to Raise Your Prices and Double Your Profits without Spending Money on Advertising
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Virtual First Tuesday Coffee
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Virtual Oceanside Young Professionals Meeting
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Financial Literacy Workshop Series: How to Increase the Value of Your Business So You Can Sell It for Top Dollar
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Top Member News
Classical Academies New Student Virtual Open House
Studio Ace Hosts Valentine's Day Pop Up Shop
Frontwave Credit Union Sponsors Four Local Military Families Through ASYMCA Secret Santa Program
Write On, Oceanside! Literary Festival Goes Online
$75,000 Available in Scholarships from Cox Charities
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Regional State-At-Home Order Lifted
On Monday, state health official lifted the regional stay-at-home order! Four-week ICU capacity projections are above 15%, the threshold that allows regions to exit the order. This action allows all counties statewide to return to the rules and framework of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy and color-coded tiers that indicate which activities and businesses are open based on local case rates and test positivity.
San Diego County remains in the strictest Purple Tier. Purple Tier activities include the reopening of outdoor dining and indoor operations for personal care services and an increase to the capacity of other retail outlets. San Diego County is holding weekly telebriefings to hear the latest updates on COVID-19. For local COVID19 information, please refer to the City of Oceanside's website.
San Diego County has also expanded COVD-19 vaccination availability to ages 65 and up. Find Oceanside's vaccination location here.
Please visit San Diego County's website for updates and additional information.
Read the Oceanside Chamber's 2021 Strategic Priorities for Advancing Oceanside
The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce has embarked on an incredibly ambitious plan of work for 2021. In addition to the development of our Multi-Year Strategic Plan, we have several key priorities to focus on this year. We have provided an overview of our Strategic Priorities for 2021 and why your investment in the Chamber continues to be critical to the advancement of Oceanside. Our areas of focus for 2021 include, Business Advocacy, Workforce Development, Economic Recovery, Restructuring Events and Political Action/Candidate Endorsements. Read our 2021 Strategic Priorities.
Frontwave Credit Union is Now Accepting Application for PPP Loans
As part of their commitment to fighting for their members and the communities they serve, Frontwave Credit Union announced today that they have been approved by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to accept applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The Paycheck Protection Program, backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration, is a loan program designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll. Businesses looking for more information can email SBArelief@Frontwavecu.com.
February's Emerging Issues Forum Provides an Economic Development Update from Michelle Geller, City of Oceanside's Economic Development Manager
Thursday, February 4, 2021
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Online Event via Zoom
This month's Forum will feature the City of Oceanside's Annual Economic Development Update to the Chamber. Oceanside's Economic Development Manager, Michelle Geller will provide an overview of recent development in our City as well as a preview of what we can expect to see in the coming year. Michelle Geller has over 18 years of experience in the public sector, and has served as the economic development manager for the City of Oceanside since November 2019. There are some exciting projects being proposed for Oceanside, so you won't want to miss this update! NOTE: This event is for Oceanside Chamber Members and Invited Guests More details and registration.
Review January's Emerging Issues Forum on Local and Regional Water Updates.
This Friday! Financial Literacy Workshop 3: How to Raise Your Prices and Double Your Profits Without Spending Money on Advertising
Friday, January 29, 2021
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Online Event via Zoom
The Oceanside Chamber invites you to join us for a virtual, 4-part Financial Literacy Workshop Series to help you grow your business and improve your financial situation. Entrepreneur, business owner and business coach, Juan Velasco, will provide business tips to show small business owners how to maximize their profits.
Join us this Friday, January 29th from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM for the third workshop in the 4-part series, "How to Raise Your Prices and Double Your Profits without Spending Money on Advertising"
Learn strategies that will allow you to increase your profits and sales effortlessly and never compete on price again. During the workshop you will learn hot to get:
- More Profits - Increase your profits without additional costs
- Higher Pricing - Raise your prices without losing customers
- Higher Sales - Sell additional products with little to no effort
More details and registration.
Watch the last 2 workshops on YouTube:
Next Tuesday! Make New Connections at February's Virtual First Tuesday Coffee
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Online Event via Zoom
Log into the Oceanside Chamber's Virtual First Tuesday Coffee Event. Connect with like-minded businesses over coffee, tea, or whatever your fix is on-the-go! Attendees will have a chance to give a 1-minute introduction and will have access to a participant list to stay connected after the event. The event is powered by Zoom and instructions will be sent via email after you register. This event is free to Oceanside Chamber members and $20 for prospective members. Online registration is required. NOTE: This event is for Oceanside Chamber Members and Invited Guests. Not a member? Please contact Luis Barbosa, Business Advocate and Advertising Sales Pro, for information on how to attend the event. For all other questions, please contact our Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Hana Gilbert. More details and registration.
CSUSM's 2021 Report to the Community
Thursday, February 4, 2021
8:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Online Event
The past year has been a defining moment of unprecedented global change. In her second annual Report to the Community, President Ellen Neufeldt will share how Cal State San Marcos is rising to meet the challenges of today with resilience and resolve. She will affirm CSUSM’s commitment to innovating for the future and share her vision on how we will lead together from this moment. More details, sponsorship and registration.
Chambers Unite on Economic Recovery Messaging
The Oceanside Chamber signed on to a California Chamber Coalition letter urging our elected officials to take critical steps in support of economic recover. The letter reads as follows…
Dear Governor, Mr. Speaker, Madam President Pro Tem, Members of the State Legislature:
The California economy cannot fully recover until businesses are allowed to reopen. Many employers believe they could safely reopen now with the extensive work they have done to create a safe environment for their employees and customers. But, until there is widespread distribution of the vaccine, it is doubtful that California will be allowed to reopen anytime soon with the record number of infections that have overwhelmed hospitals throughout the State. The shutdowns have already devastated many small and large employers, and brought misery to millions of workers. As the shut down continues indefinitely, many more of these businesses will close permanently, unable to withstand the financial losses they are suffering.
Read entire letter.
The Shuttered Venue Operators (SVO) Grant
The Shuttered Venue Operators (SVO) Grant program was established by The Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, signed into law on December 27, 2020. The program includes $15 billion in grants to shuttered venues, to be administered by the Small Business Administration’s Office of Disaster Assistance. Eligible applicants may qualify for SVO Grants equal to 45% of their gross earned revenue, with the maximum amount available for a single grant award of $10 million. $2 billion is reserved for eligible applications with up to 50 full-time employees. More details.
Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans
(Source: US Chamber of Commerce)
As part of an end-of-year pandemic relief package, Congress has passed several changes to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and created a “Second Draw” PPP for small businesses who have exhausted their initial loan. Other changes impact eligibility for initial PPP loans, the loan forgiveness process, and the tax treatment of PPP loans. Congress has also made changes to other programs – including Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL Program), the Employee Retention Tax Credit, a Venue Grant program, and SBA loan programs –that will benefit small businesses. More details.
Read the Oceanside Chamber's 2020 Annual Report
The Oceanside Chamber recently published its 2020 Annual Report. The report includes a summary of the work accomplished in 2020 and how the business community was impacted. While business advocacy remained a top priority, there were several other focus areas for the Chamber during 2020. Learn how the Chamber remains a catalyst for business growth, a convener of leaders and influencers and a champion for a strong community. Read the 2020 Annual Report
Oceanside Economic Development News
Oceanside has a dynamic business climate with new restaurants, retail shops and manufacturing businesses moving into the City. The City's Economic Development Division assists businesses with expansion and relocation to Oceanside by offering site searches, business visits, demographic and statistical information, and assistance with permit processing and business license issuance. Check out the latest new and coming business news. More details.
Oceanside Unified School District Seeking Name Submissions for San Luis Rey Elementary
As you may know, San Luis Rey and Garrison Elementary Schools were combined during the 2019/2020 school year. During that process, it was determined that the two communities would remain together and undergo a rename and rebrand to unite as one. We have organized a formal citizens advisory committee to navigate this rebranding process, and we are seeking name suggestions from the Oceanside community at large. More details.
Online Safety Tips for Children
By District Attorney Summer Stephan
The pandemic has shifted life for everyone over the last year, but perhaps one of the most vulnerable groups include children, who are spending more time than ever online. Through everyday scrolling, online gaming and Zoom learning, predators have unprecedented access to kids. With the so much dependence on technology and the web, children are increasingly at risk of befriending strangers online. More details.
Take Advantage of SDG&E's No-Cost Trainings from Energy Experts
(Source: SDG&E)
Did you know that SDG&E provides webinars for business owners and trade professionals, and most are at no cost? Learn about the latest in green building practices, technology and energy-saving solutions from experts in the industry. Upcoming topics include Title 24 – nonresidential standards for building inspectors, HVAC field performance, NCI airflow testing and diagnostics, and energy and the circular economy. Certifications and continuing education units are available for many of the classes. More details.