3 Questions an Interviewer Should Never Ask, and "One" He Should Never Forget

3 Questions an Interviewer Should Never Ask, and "One" He Should Never Forget

by Ken Schmitt and Vicky Willenberg

Your resume made the cut. Now it’s time for The Interview. The success or failure of the interview now rests solidly on the job seeker’s, shoulders: … or does it?

As recruiters, we work hard to prepare our candidates for an interview, helping them develop strong answers to the questions they can expect. (We may even throw in a prayer to the traffic gods for them.) Then we anxiously wait for the post-interview call, only to find out that the interview was a complete disaster to no fault of their own.

The burden of responsibility for a successful interview lies equally on the shoulders of the interviewer. Ideally, during the process of developing the job description, employers will have done their homework and created a picture of the ideal candidate.  Before a search is even launched, employers should have already defined what the best possible candidate will possess in regard skills, experience, seniority, strengths, weaknesses, and education, to name a few. Ultimately, these requirements should drive the interview. 

3 Questions an Interviewer Should Never Ask, and the “One” He Should Never Forget

  1. Never ask a candidate questions about their race, religion, family life, or sexual orientation. Any question that asks a candidate to reveal information about such topics without the question having a job related basis will violate various state and federal discrimination laws. There is nothing wrong with getting to know a potential hire. In fact, understanding what makes him or her tick will provide insight regarding work ethic, commitment, leadership skills, etc.
  2. Never ask a candidate to describe his or her greatest strength or weakness. These questions have been overused and any candidate can produce a canned answer he or she has used in every interview before yours. Additionally, knowing that someone is “loyal” or that he or she “works too hard” is not an indicator that he or she will thrive in your company. A good interviewer will have specific questions that will allow the candidate to highlight his or her successes and experiences and this will show his or her strengths and even some weaknesses.
  3. Never ask a candidate where she sees herself in five years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average length of time people stay with a company or in a job is 4.6 years. Given this information, it still surprises us that employers ask this question. Obviously you are looking to hire someone who wants to make a commitment to your company, making your hiring and onboarding dollars worthwhile. You know it. The candidate knows it. What the interviewer really wants to know and should ask is, “How does this position align with your broader professional goals?”
  1. Always ask a candidate well-thought out questions which provide them the opportunity to demonstrate who he is as a professional. Questions that address issues such as teamwork, handling conflict, and career path. Excellent examples are:
    1. Why are you currently looking for a job? Why are you leaving your current position?
    2. What motivates you? Where is your passion?
    3. How will you contribute to the company?
    4. How will your skills help us meet the needs of this role?
    5. What type of oversight and interaction would your ideal boss provide?
    6. How would you solve… (Give them a real life scenario that has occurred.) 

To hire the best people, you have to ask the right questions. Using an interview to discuss information that is clearly available on the candidate’s resume, only allows for yes or no answers, or elicits canned answers that can be found simply by Googling “Best interview answers” is a waste of everyone’s time. Interview questions such as these result in the need for more follow up interviews, dragging out the hiring process and risking the loss of the ideal candidate. From the moment an employer sits down to create a job spec, she should be developing quality interview questions which will allow candidates to demonstrate why their skillset, experience, and passion will meet your needs. 

Check out our website for more interview discussions and tips.

Sarena Shafner Bradford

Financial Planning & Analysis | Healthcare


I have been asked all three of these questions during internship interviews.....

Randi Storfer

Learning and Development Specialist | Instructional Design & Development | Learning Needs Analysis | Facilitation | Evaluation | Adult Education & Workplace Learning


Very informative! I'd love to see an article geared to helping people with mental illnesses field illegal and difficult interview questions. Too often if an applicant admits to a mental health issue they are passed over for opportunities. Many employers may be hesitant to hire someone with an acknowledged mental illness because they fear the applicant will be unreliable or disruptive, when in fact they may be passing over someone who is in fact highly qualified and capable of making a significant contribution to an organization.

Will Kotheimer

Det er april og vi har snø...fordi vi bor i artic.


Re question #3…perhaps they should ask "Where do you see yourself in 4.6 years?"…just say'n ;)

Good stuff Ken, Motivation and passion are hard to quantify, but combined with the right attitude equals the perfect starting point. An interview should tailor itself to bring those qualities out along with technical experiance.

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